

Courage to Look Under the Hood.
Commitment to Find the Root Cause.
Compassion to Support the Journey To Wellness


Conventional + Integrative Gastroenterology.
Best of Both Worlds Under One Roof


“ALL DISEASE BEGINS IN THE GUT” – Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine
“ALL HEALTH BEGINS IN THE GUT” – Doc Nathan, the student of Medicine


Dr. Ranga S. Nathan

As a practicing conventional medicine Physician for over 40 years, I have been closely involved in a very sophisticated and advanced form of healthcare for acute illness, emergencies, curable malignancies, sustaining chronic disease, and surgical miracles. However, when it comes to optimizing health and preventing disease, our results are inferior compared to every country in the industrialized world. For example, the United States is 41st in longevity among industrialized countries – dead last!

When my family and I faced some life threatening health challenges, thanks to the conventional medicine which came to rescue in the immediate situation but left the preventive aspects to less than desirable. The knowledge quest led me to pursue a Postgraduate training over 2 years and now I am the proud recipient of Fellowship In Metabolic Medicine And Board Certification In Anti-Aging Medicine.

The Defining Principles of Integrative Medicine

All factors that influence health, wellness and disease are taken intoconsideration including mind, body, spirit and community.

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    What is Integrative Medicine / Gastroenterology?

    A form of medical therapy that combines practice and treatment from alternativemedicine with conventional medicine. It is not the same as alternative medicine which isutilized in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine is healing- oriented medicine that aims to find the RootCause the disease​ In every single patient. Since each one of us are unique in our genetic and epigenetic make up, it becomes a Personalized Medicine.